We can guarantee 4000 views per month. If 4000 is not achieved, your views roll over into the next month for free.
is 20 times more effective than traditional advertising (i.e. print, TV).
81% of American consumers own a smartphone.
The average person spends
over four hours a day
on their device.
be helping local heroes in your area (vets, teachers, 1st
give your business the ability to compete with large companies with huge marketing
and advertising budgets at a fraction of the cost.
can target (give you direct access to) a specific audience for your ad (see
Targeting Groups).
can target specific events and/or times.
can target your competition’s customers (think fitness clubs).
Your ad can look like your product or website.
We can create a custom landing page (personalized contact page).
We can adjust (fine-tune) target groups, areas, demographics, once per quarter (3 months or monthly with month-month sub).
Ad can appear on thousands of apps. (CNN, Spotify, Weather Channel) On cell phones, tablets, laptops and desktop pc’s.
Your advertising budget ($$$) works harder for you.
We work with you throughout the entire mobile marketing process—from creating ads to analyzing the results. Our experts can help you understand your options and guide you along the way to success.
We create 2 ads. 1 for the bottom of the phone screen. 1 for inline reading (news article).
You receive a monthly report of views and clicks data.
Geo-fencing draws upon the same mindset as “impulse buying” at grocery stores.
Your ad is not only promoting your business, it can serve as a discount coupon for goods and services as well.
Imagine drawing an invisible “fence” around a location. When your
desired audience enters the “fenced-in yard,” they are shown your ad!
With people on the move and on their phones, you can now target the
right people at the right place at the right time. Smartphones enable customers to shop for
products and services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from work, home or on the
type of marketing works. It has a proven
track record. This is the future of
TO THE CUSTOMER. Let them tell you what value
means to them.