Wouldn’t you agree that it simply makes good business sense to market your services in front of Veterans whose average age is over 55? We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups. We can create you a comprehensive targeting group package that will reach your exact demographic.
Did you know that certain Veterans receive a monthly cash benefit to pay for in-home caregiver services? (In-Home Healthcare) See Veteran Aid & Attendance and Housebound Benefits and be able to explain. We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups.
Doesn’t it make good business sense to get your name out in front of the Veteran community since some receive a government benefit to pay for it?We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran’s specific targeting groups.
Did you know that since 2014 Veterans may be eligible to use Non-VA Healthcare providers? See Veterans Healthcare Choice Act and be able to explain. We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups.
Would you be interested in becoming a Non-VA Community Care provider that accepts payment similar to the Medicare program? See Veterans Healthcare Choice Act, Section V, how to become a provider, and receive payments . (Every healthcare business should be interested in expanding their market share by accepting Veteran clients and payments. Everyone strives to increase their pile of money, and you can help show these companies a way to make their stash bigger. Never underestimate the power of greed that resides within us all.) We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups.
Our target audience at a lot of the Veteran and Community Clubs is over 55 years old and we thought your company would be a perfect fit for the project. (The average age of our some of the Veterans and Community Clubs is over 55 year old, and your ad could be seen there using Geo-Fencing Veteran specific targeting groups. *Any mention of the over 55 age group is a trigger/key phrase in this industry. The over 55 demographic is their target market, and you hold the key.)
Would you be interested in being seen down at the local Veteran and Community Clubs where the average age is 55+? We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups.
Can I ask you a question, do you offer any special programs for Veterans? (If yes, then: “Great, let us help you reach more Veterans in the area so that they know about your discount, using Geo-Fencing. It’s a perfect fit”). If no, then: “Can I assume you wouldn’t be opposed to honoring Veterans with your services?”We can use Geo-Fencing to let our Veterans know you support them and would like to work with more of them by using our Veteran specific targeting groups.