Contractors Final

What does WOTC stand for?

In general, why do most contractors pick up the phone when it rings?

Why is it beneficial for a homeowner to hire a general contractor when planning a big project? (Select all that apply)

General contractors work with a number of subcontractors on large projects, and will sometimes even offer their own labor.

You are talking to Harry, an electrical contractor who is expanding his business and intends to hire new electricians. What are good ways to proceed with the conversation? (Select all that apply)

General contractors will typically add a 10% to 20% surcharge to project estimates.

You are speaking to Phil, a general contractor who primarily works on larger projects. He likes working with Veterans because they are hard workers. He also likes working with other companies that support Veterans. What are good ways to proceed with this conversation? (Select all that apply)

What are reasons not to overload a contractor with a large number of facts? (Select all that apply)

As an agent, when speaking to a general contractor who specializes in commercial and industrial projects, what should you focus on?

As a sales agent, how can knowing a contractor does emergency repairs be helpful?

Why can it be cost-effective for a homeowner to have their general contractor purchase materials for the project?

Most contractors focus on doing good work because they rely on referrals for business.

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