Funeral and Cemetery Final

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Why will funeral directors specialize in funerals for one religious faith?

What are things that are or can be done with a loved one's crematory ashes?

If you were trying to sell to a funeral director, your main focus should be on how advertising will help their business.

Because there is no telling when the services of a funeral home are needed, a funeral director is usually "on call".

As a sales agent what are good questions to ask a potential cemetery director client? (Select all that apply)

Which of the following is not a responsibility of a cemetery?

What is another name for a mausoleum designed to hold cremated remains?

Which are good words to use while talking to a funeral or cemetery director?

While talking to Jimmy, a funeral director who works closely with the Veterans at the VFW down the road, you notice there is an American Legion a mile and a half further down the road. What is the best thing for you to say?

A majority of the funeral director's work day is spent doing what?

Funeral directors tend to be argumentative and impatient.

In order to receive the VA burial benefit, the deceased Veteran must be buried in a national or Veteran cemetery.

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