Senior Care III Welcome to your Senior Care III, click "Next" to begin. All Veterans are eligible for VA Healthcare benefits? True False None Reservists and National Guard may also be eligible for VA Health Benefits? False True None In most instances, to qualify for VA Health benefits the Veteran must have received a discharge other than dishonorable, served at least 24 continuous months if they enlisted after Sept. 7, 1980, or who entered active duty after Oct. 16, 1981, or served the full term of their enlistment. True False None Over 50 million Veterans have used the VCP program since it began? False True None The Veteran Choice Program (VCP) involves all care received by Veterans by Non-VA providers in the community? True False None The Veteran Choice Program is part of VA Community Care? True False None Non-VA Health providers have completed over 50 million appointments since 2016? True False None The Network of Veteran Choice Providers has grown to more that 433,000 Non-VA providers since it began in 2014? True False None Since the VCP began in late 2014, the VA has paid for over 26 million Non-VA appointments? True False None Is this a true statement, and can you explain it: Did you know that Veterans may be eligible to use a Non-VA provider, and if needed we can help your business start the enrollment process to become a Veteran Choice Provider? (Be prepared to explain your answer) True statement, and I can explain how False statement, and I can explain why None Real Name & Stage Name Unit Time's up Posted on August 24, 2019April 24, 2020 By admin